Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's Hard Waiting in that Field!

Hello friends,

Every single time I come here to post a blog, I always stop halfway thinking that what I've written isn't any good.  So I'm gonna have another go at it. 

I had a chocolate covered strawberry fundraiser at church recently and it was a huge success.  I made a ton of strawberries and if I can get a picture up here of them, I will.  Half of our dinner table was covered in the strawberry goodness. 

I'm going to be having a spaghetti dinner and a singing at the church sometime soon.  I still need to get all the specifics down so I can get that going.  So, that's exciting!  Please pray that tons and tons of people show up so I can get back to Mexico to stay.

So, in our Women's Bible Study we are reading, "Becoming More that Just a Good Bible Study Girl."  We learned about David a few weeks ago.  And I've never read the David story like this before.  It was a totally new way of looking at it for me.  We learned that when God told Samuel to choose David as the new king, that David had been watching the sheep in the field before he was even invited to come inside to be considered as the new king.  (Kinda, in a way, like Cinderella when you think about it, don't you think? haha)  But after he was chosen to be the next king, David went back to the field and watched those sheep.  We were thinking that David was probably wondering why he wasn't going to a nice "King School" or why he wasn't being trained someplace better than a boring field.  But God had other plans.  When David went up against Goliath, he had all the proper training.  While he was in that field, David killed a lion and a bear and he told Saul about this when he was preparing to go against Goliath.  And because of the training David had in that field, he was courageous enough to kill Goliath. 

Now, I wonder what would have happened if David hadn't been trained in that field?  If he hadn't waited and been patient...

But I gotta tell ya'll, it's hard to waiting in that field!  I'm in that field right now being trained up, preparing for what God has for me in Mexico.  But man, it's hard.  Especially, when you dream about Mexico and those kids at least once a week (and that isn't an over-exaggeration either)  It can be really difficult waiting when you know exactly where God wants you to be and you aren't there yet.  This is the first time I've experienced this so strongly.  I know where God wants me to be and right now the only way to get a glimpse of that place is through my dreams.  And believe that God sends me those dreams, so that I don't forget or lose my passion for that place.  So please pray that I don't lose heart and continue to let God mold me and train me up in his ways.  I want to continue to patiently wait upon Him during my time in the field.

Well, that's about all I have time for today.

See ya in the funny papers.



  1. PP! Yes!! I have been thinking the same things lately, but I didn't know how to put it into words, about waiting in the fields. Sometimes I get so frustrated with God because I think I should always feel peace, I should always be living in the palace, be the "king," but so much of life is "getting there!" We always want to enjoy the rewards of our labor, trials, and suffering, without having to actually walk through the fire. But God doesn't work that way, We often have to learn things the hard way. Love you!

  2. "It can be really difficult waiting when you know exactly where God wants you to be and you aren't there yet." favoriteddddd quote
