Thursday, July 5, 2012

Quienceañera & More!

This past weekend we had a quienceanera for one of our girls, Karla.  Unfortunately, my camera wasn't charged for the occasion so the only picture I have from the day is the one above.  But it was beautiful!  We all spent the day decorating and that night we had the party.  And I finally had a reason to wear that dress I love so much!  Even though you can't tell I'm even wearing a dress in the picture.  (And yes, Stephi, I stole your picture.  :) I love you! haha!)

Also this week another one of our girls, Yessi, graduated from Kinder!  It was such a cute graduation.  I felt like a proud mom as I watched her go up to get her little certificate and pictures.

I rode Lucero yesterday on our street a little ways but he got bored and ran with me all the way back to the main gate and waited for someone to open it.  THEN he proceeded to run all the way back to his pin and wait for me to put him back.  I think he can only take so much of adventure.

This past week we started our new schedule.  There are lots of activities since the kids are out of school.  I teach four different kids how to play the guitar and ukulele, we have group singing, singing before bed, I help monitor some swimming classes & sports, and I help with Lucero.

Today, Ceira (a fellow staff member and friend) and I went to a market for our day off and ate tacos.  It was so much fun to just get out, walk around and look at all of the fabulous artisans in the area.  Later we went to the movies and watched Snow White and the Huntsman, which was pretty good!

Anyway, I just wanted to give you guys a little update!

Here are some things you can pray about for me:

•That I continue to seek God's will first
•To be a good witness
•That my sinus problem goes away!  It's dreadfully hard to sing with a clogged throat and nose. (My dear doctor, Bob, has given me some extra medicine.)
•That I fall in love with Jesus all over again every single day
•That we grow as a team here and trust God fully

I love you guys!  You mean the world to me! :)



  1. Erin reading your blogs make me Miss you even more! I have been going to Skype you several times but everytime I get interrupted :( I'm Going to very soon. I look at the prayer request that you have entered I've already seen God work on your behalf on lots of these areas already. No doubt you are being an amazing witness & I KNOW you are always seeking the will of God. I pray that your sinus problem will go away. Stopped up or not, no doubt as you sing the kids to sleep you sound just like an angel :-) Praying for you always. Love you!


  2. Erin reading your blogs make me Miss you even more! I have been going to Skype you several times but everytime I get interrupted :( I'm Going to very soon. I look at the prayer request that you have entered I've already seen God work on your behalf on lots of these areas already. No doubt you are being an amazing witness & I KNOW you are always seeking the will of God. I pray that your sinus problem will go away. Stopped up or not, no doubt as you sing the kids to sleep you sound just like an angel :-) Praying for you always. Love you!


  3. Erin, I just can't help but wonder what that little boy in the 2nd or 3rd picture is saying to the other one. "Enough of this graduation mumbo-jumbo, where's our congrajulations toys?!?!?!"

    Sinus troubles? I'm pretty sure you should eat tacos that have no meat but only habanero pep peps!

  4. Praying for you my dear! & emailing you all the time!
